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<a href=https://clomid.homes>clomiphene citrate for women</a> Exclusion criteria were patients eligible for chemotherapy and or endocrine neoadjuvant therapy; evidence of previous superficial or deep venous thrombosis or other major thromboembolic events pulmonary embolism, stroke, and so on; current anticoagulant therapy; moderate to severe alteration in hematologic profile, hemostasis, renal and hepatic metabolism; clinically active peptic ulcer or gastroenteric disease; severe retinal disease; severe endometriosis grade III to IV or other proliferative disorders of the endometrium; clinically active neurologic or psychiatric disease; other medical contraindications according to the investigator; other coexisting malignancies or malignancies diagnosed within the last five years with the exception of basal cell carcinoma or in situ cervical cancer; pregnancy or current breast feeding women of child bearing potential must have had a negative pregnancy test within seven days befor
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